Via Negativa_Barbara Kukovec 

Attrice, performer e danzatrice, interessata anche di media visivi, in special modo la fotografia, Barbara Kukovec, laureata all’Accademia Teatrale di Lubiana, nel 2006 ha ottenuto un master in performance presso il Goldsmith College di Londra, città dove vive e lavora. Il suo approccio integrato a qualsiasi tema che tratta fa delle sue performance eventi unici e fortemente espressivi in cui dimostra una presenza fisica straordinariamente forte, che cancella il confine fra il soggetto della performance ed il performare un soggetto.

Via Negativa è un progetto internazionale di performing arts il cui lavoro si focalizza sulla relazione tra il performer ed il pubblico in un tempo ed uno spazio reali.

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An actress, a performer and a dancer who has recently diversified into visual media and especially photography. She is a graduate of Ljubljana Academy of Theatre and has a master’s degree in performance from Goldsmiths College (2006) in London where she currently lives and works. On the basis of her integrated approach to whatever thematic she is dealing with, we always expect (and get) from her an entirely unique and expressive performance. The ability to reach new heights on both the individual and collective level also characterizes Barbara’s work in the Via Negativa pieces Starting Point: Anger, More, Would Would Not, Viva Verdi, and Four Deaths. In these performances, she shows an extraordinarily strong physical presence that erases the border between the subject of the performance and performance of the subject.

Via Negativa is an international performing arts project. Their work is focused in the relationship between the performer and the audience in real space and time.